100 K
Nu-Prep RM100 K Cash Challenge.
Collect keys with every purchase of Nu-Prep.
Nu-Prep RM100 K Cash Challenge.
Collect keys with every purchase of Nu-Prep.
Nu-Prep Revive, adalah KUNCI kesihatan untuk semua WANITA.
Active ingredient
'active ingredient clinically tested'.
Perfect Supplement.
Nu-Prep Revive
Kejayaan ini adalah kejayaan
'W A N I T A Insan Istimewa'
'W A N I T A Insan Istimewa'
Nu-Prep Revive.
Most Innovative Non-Food & Services.
The 15th Malaysia International Halal Showcase
( MIHAS 2018. Dated 6th April 2018. Friday ).
Nu-Prep Revive.
kekal keremajaan yang berpanjangan & hebat selamanya.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep revive
Specialist Dr.Ismail Tambi & Mr. Nu-Prep.
Nu-Prep Revive
Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Jutaan Terima Kasih
"The world's largest halal event".MIHAS 2018.#alhamdulillah#thinkingoutofbox #fikirdiluarkotak Pengiktirafan tertinggi MIHAS memenangi 'Most Innovative Non-Food & Service'. Produk herba bersantifik terbukti secara klinikal.
Bangga bahawa pameran halal terbesar di dunia hingga sekarang bermula dari Malaysia di bawah Matrade. #Syabas , #Tahniah.& #terimakasih#deminegara #hebat #juara MIHAS.#winningmentality
Kenyataan pada ‘online’ #thestar There was no gold winner for the Most Innovative Non-Food and Services category but silver went to Phytes Biotek Sdn Bhd (Physta Tongkat Ali Extract). https://www.facebook.com/nuprep100/posts/1059522954198794
Winners were selected by a panel of judges from Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation ( MATRADE HQ ), the National Innovation Agency Malaysia, @Department of Islamic Development Malaysia ( Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) , SIRIM Berhad, University of Malaya and Malaysia Design Council.
Winners were selected by a panel of judges from Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation ( MATRADE HQ ), the National Innovation Agency Malaysia, @Department of Islamic Development Malaysia ( Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) , SIRIM Berhad, University of Malaya and Malaysia Design Council.
Matrade chief executive officer Dr Mohd Shahreen Zainoreen Madros said it was critical to acknowledge companies that innovate as such ideas and creativity would be a key catalyst to ensure Malaysian companies remained relevant in the halal economy.
“Today’s business is powered by innovation and creativity. We must embrace new technologies and innovation in order to be successful globally.
“Today’s business is powered by innovation and creativity. We must embrace new technologies and innovation in order to be successful globally.
KETAHUILAH fakta seperti berikut :- #nuprep #nupreprevive kehebatan ‘original article’ bersama indikasi p-value adalah dari fakta kajian klinikal terbukti. Laporan KHAS ini berlaku hanya di Mihas Malaysia #mihas2018sahaja
PERTAMA. Para penyeldik Jepun dari Tokyo Medical & Dental University, mendapati bahawa bahan kandungan aktif Nu-Prep #tongkatali berjaya meningkatkan #CD4 #Tcell. Ini merupakan ‘discovery’ mendahului perubatan moden / barat ‘western medicine’.
Inilah bukti perkukuhkan keseluruhan sistem daya tahanan kesihatan tubuh badan pengamalnya sama ada #lelaki atau #wanita. ( comprehensive immunity ).
KEDUA. Kajian in-vitro dilakukan di University Malaya bahawa bahan kandungan. Kajian ini merupakan penemuan pertama di dunia berjaya membunuh & mengurangkan #virus & #bakteria dengan tidak berlakunya replikasi ( replication ) berterusan. Ia berjaya membunuh virus & bakterian dalam tempuh 48 jam ( 2 hari ) dengan dos yang rendah. ( contoh berjaya membunuh DEN1,DEN2,DEN3 100% & DEN4 70% ).
Penemuan ini mempunyai hubungkait secara langsung dari hasil ujian darah dimana #platelet meningkat berlakunya #rebound kepada pengamal ( dari testimoni di #hospital Selayang Hospital & Pantai Hospital Cheras serta beberapa hasil 5 hingga 7 tahun terdahulu dari Hospital Kuala Lumpur #hkldiantaranya bacaan 'platelet' serendah 4 ). Berjaya mengatasi #gejalakesejukan melampau #hilanggigil #gigil #hilangsakitsendi #sendi & #suhu badan menurun kurang dari 6 jam sahaja dengan dos yang tinggi. Merawat #denggi #demamdenggi #denggiberdarah #dengue
( memerlukan kajian klinikal dalam masa terdekat ini ). NOTA, hubungkait #tenaga & #stamina adalah benar CD4 kekal #normal bersama status kandungan darah yang baik. #tcell
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Tunku Hajah Mariam Zaharah Binti Almarhun Sultan Iskandar
setiap tahun dari 2017 & 2018 hadir melawat MIHAS,
perkembangan terkini Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive
dari sudut saintifik.
Nu-Prep Revive
Terbukti secara klinikal.
Pakar Penyelidik dari Jepun
'Tokyo Medical & Dental University"
perkukuhkan sistem daya tahanan secara menyeluruh.
( comprehensive immunity ).
Kelebihan terbukti dari hasil kajian oleh saintis / penyelidik Malaysia & antarabangsa.
( contoh pakar dari MIT - Massachusett Institute of Technology, Western Cape University -
South Africa, Japan, China ).
The Making of MIHAS 2018.
Nu-Prep Revive.

Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive
Active ingredient Clinically Tested.
Winner MIHAS 2018
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Matrade Chief Executive Officer
Dr Mohd Shahreen Zainoreen Madros
( left ).
CEO Tengku Shahrir Tengku Adnan
Biotropics Malaysia Berhad.
Jutaan Terima Kasih
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive.
MIHAS 2018.
Tahniah kepada Tn Azri Zahier Azmi.
Cheif Executive Officer.
Bersama CEO Biotropics Malaysia Berhad.
Tengku Shahrir Tengku Adnan.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Internationally Recognized and
Patended PHYSTA ® Tongkat Ali Standardized Extract – Clinically Proven Anti A
ging and Anti Viral
at the Vitafoods Europe Conference in Geneva, the ingredient PHYSTA ® was the
first Malaysian product selected as a Success
Story for the Anti Ageing category. For the aging community, the worrying
signs of aging such as decreasing energy and libido, muscle strength, physical
performance and weight gain are largely attributed to ‘age-dependant decline’
in serum testosterone levels. A significant decline in testosterone levels is
also closely linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes or hypertension. PHYSTA ® was clinically proven to
increase the quality of life in today’s ageing men and women by way of
addressing testosterone issues and
its associated effects.
Tongkat Ali extract has garnered 4 number of patents worldwide in the
areas of sexual and men’s health with 16
NEW patents for Immunity and Anti Viral’.
The patented, standardized Physta® Tongkat Ali extract has been
described by experts as an adaptogen and a traditional anti-aging remedy
particularly for aging men and women to improve age-related problems. It is
also the only Tongkat Ali extract that is protected by a worldwide patent for tackling sexual dysfunction and male fertility through improvement of
testosterone levels. While growing old is irreversible, Physta® Tongkat Ali
extract has been shown to restore serum
testosterone levels and clinically proven to promote healthy aging through 15 clinical trials (and counting) that
are helping men and women to look and feel their best.
Physta® Tongkat Ali, is also
clinically proven to boosts a person’s immunity
so one does not easily succumb to illnesses. As one grows older, their immunity
to diseases begins to drop. Physta® Tongkat Ali has been shown to improve a set of comprehensive immunity
markers in moderately stressed subjects. Interestingly also, Physta® shows anti-viral effects against dengue and
both these findings successfully patented. The addition of Physta® in this
product will hopefully lead to fewer absenteeism from work, support
productivity and good quality of life among the aged as morbidity and mortality
in older generation are affected by compromised immunity.
These innovative features of Physta®
Tongkat Ali are what sets it apart from other generic Tongkat Ali ingredient in the market. Physta® is
manufactured in a cGMP facility with ISO 22000 and have been certified Kosher
and Halal.
Internationally Recognized and
Patended PHYSTA ® Tongkat Ali Standardized Extract – Clinically Proven Anti Aging and Anti Viral
Benefits. Physta®
Tongkat Ali has been shown to improve a
set of comprehensive immunity markers in moderately stressed subjects.
Interestingly also, Physta® shows anti-viral
effects against dengue and both these findings successfully patented.
Innovative Non-Food & Services. SILVER AWARD RECIPIENT.
The 15th Malaysia
International Halal Showcase ( MIHAS 2018. Dated 6th April 2018.
Friday ).
Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive.
Should there
be any questions
please do not hesitate to contact
Malaysia Berhad
Goerge’ Author.
03-5565 5600
Tongkat Ali Extract Promotes Immune Health in Middle-Aged Adults, Study
Jun 22, 2016
Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) may be known for its testosterone-boosting potential, but results of a new clinical trial suggest a standardized tongkat ali extract may also support immune health in middle-aged adults.
Researchers found that LJ100 tongkat ali root water extract from HP Ingredients (Bradenton, FL) may may improve “comprehensive immunity” and raise the numbers of total, naïve, and CD4+ T cells in both Japanese men and women aged 40–59. The study authors also noted this is the first time such an immune effect has been observed after supplementation with tongkat ali.
For four weeks, 81 subjects were randomized to consume either 200 mg per day of LJ100 or a placebo, with immune parameters assessed at the start and conclusion of the four-week experimental period. The 81 participants were selected from a larger group of 126 subjects because they posted lower baseline scores on the Scoring of Immunological Vigor (SIV) assessment, an immune evaluation method designed to describe “comprehensive immunity,” rather than interpreting each immune function separately, according to the study authors.
At week four, researchers found that SIV and immunological grade were significantly higher in the LJ100 group than the placebo group, with particular increases found in total, naïve, and CD4+ T cells. This may indicate improved adaptive, or cell-mediated, immunity, researchers explained.
Additionally, the immunological age of the LJ100 group was found to be four years younger than the placebo group at the end of the experimental period, and the LJ100 group also had significantly higher numbers of lymphocytes.
“Our findings indicate for the first time the immune-related improvements following the ingestion of the propriety water extract of tongkat ali,” researchers concluded.
No serious adverse events were reported in the study.
Read more:
George A et al., “Immunomodulation in middle-aged humans via the ingestion of LJ100/Physta standardized root extract of Eurycoma longifolia jack—a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study,” Phytotherapy Research, vol. 30, no. 4 (April 2016): 627–635.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep Revive
Team Hebat. Tahniah
Para Pegawai Matrade. Jutaan Terima Kasih.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
NU-PREP REVIVE, keberkesanan untuk tubh badan wanita. Mendahului
perubatan moden ( western medicine ).
Kehebatan terbukti dengan
laporan ambil darah & hasil laporan makmal.
( pathology ).
Hasil perkembangan mengurangkan sakit, ke arah simpton / gejala yang baik dari sebelum ini dengan yang bergejala buruk. Contoh keselesaan / kuat tubuh badan, bangun pagi senang, bacaan gula dari 'daily monitoring system'. Kian bertenaga / berstamina berpanjangan.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep Revive.
Disertakan untuk semua pengamal / peminat.
Cara membuat pemeriksaan berdaftar & berkelulusan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep
Kehebatan terbukti secara klinikal.
Nu-Prep & Nu-Prep
MIHAS 2018
Specialist & Mr. Nu-Prep
Nu-Prep Revive
Jutaan Terima Kasih
'former' petugas Biro KKM.
Sudi bersama Nu-Prep.
Sahabat dari MCKK, nyatakan bahawa kehebatan KACIP FATIMAH terbukti melangsingkan tubuh badan pengamalnya. ( bersama Mr. Cowei - pakar herba tempatan & antarabangsa ).
Mr. James from USA.
Susu Segar Farms Fresh
Jutaan Terima Kasih